CCG Is Honored By The Jordan Engineers Association For Commitment To Ensuring Occupational Health And Safety

This week, CCG was honored by the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) for distinguished efforts in reviewing occupational safety and health systems and for the procedures implemented to ensure the highest safety standards on site for the Abdali Views project.  

JEA was represented by its president, Engineer Ahmed Samara Al-Zoubi, who thanked CCG’s project team and spoke about CCG’s enthusiasm and commitment to following the best international practices in implementing safety procedures and standards to protect all project workers.

Engineer Ahmed Samara Al-Zoubi said that the provision of public safety and occupational health contributes to improving the quality of services provided and is important in maintaining the reliability of the facility and of the site, as well as further ensuring its strength against exposure to risks and disasters.

Consolidated Consultants Group was keen to obtain ISO 45001:2018 certificate, accredited by Lloyds. This is part of CCG's vision to implement the best occupational health and safety standards. As a firm, we are making great efforts to upgrade the profession and develop the competencies of new engineers to implement best practice methodologies. 

All parties have been called upon to cooperate and to give greater importance to the issue of occupational health, and to the development of construction contracts that will ensure public safety.

The Occupational Health & Safety Committee was formed under the chairmanship of Dr. Sultan Tarawneh and has been carrying out visits to major projects to observe public safety plans and procedures. There are many ongoing activities to introduce engineers to this field as well as coordination with stakeholders with a view to continue improving and developing public safety requirements.

At the ceremony, CCG was represented by the following attendees;

Engineer Fahed Abujaber, CEO

Engineer Hanan Badi Awwad, Executive Director for Organizational Development & Support

Engineer Zaid Al Smadi, Project Manager of Abdali Views

Engineer Omar Naser, Quality and Public Safety Engineer HSE

CCG is grateful for the recognition achieved and for the project team’s commitment to this important topic as well as all of our teams for maintaining the core values and high standards we set for ourselves as a company. 

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