Hudson Meridian’s Visit To The Middle East: The Official Launch Of CCG & HM’s Joint Venture

Hudson Meridian’s visit to the Middle East: The official launch of CCG & HM’s joint venture

Last month marked the official launch of Consolidated Consultants Group’s and Hudson Meridian‘s joint venture.

HM’s Executive Vice President, Richard Cote, and Senior Operations Executive, Joel Vandenhouten, recently kicked off CCG and HM’s joint venture with a visit to CCG’s offices in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Dubai. This was their first official visit from New York, and it marks the launch of CCG and HM’s joint services in the region.

CCG’s team were pleased to have welcomed Richard and Joel to the headquarters in Amman, Jordan, for the first leg of the trip, where the joint venture was formalized with a signing ceremony.

We were able to sit down together with CCG’s board of directors to discuss our plans for the joint venture, and we were also pleased to have the opportunity to take a tour of the capital, including visits to some of CCG’s ongoing and completed projects.

For the second part of the trip, CCG’s CEO Fahed Abujaber joined the HM team for a week in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where they visited CCG’s new office that will also act as the base from which joint projects in the region will be managed going forward. The team met with various stakeholders to discuss how we can further Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and work together on some upcoming projects in the region.

Finally, Richard and Joel’s trip was completed in the city of Dubai, where CCG’s Global Director of Business Development, Ghaith Abujaber, had scheduled a range of client meetings to discuss the launch of the joint venture and future plans and developments.

We are excited for the launch of this promising venture, and pleased with its progress so far. It was a productive couple of weeks and we were fortunate and grateful to have been able to meet with so many renowned companies. We would like to thank all of our valued clients and contacts who met with us during the trip and who gathered with us for our Polo Club event in Dubai.

Now we look forward to the next exciting stage of our joint venture and our partnership. To learn more about our joint venture click here to read our joint venture announcement or contact us on

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